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Huawei G7-L01 Yazılım Yükleme

Rom Yükleme Talimatları:

  1. 4 GB veya daha yüksek kapasiteye sahip bir hafıza kartı. 
  2. Telefonun şarjı en az %30 civarında olmalı
  3. Yazılım yükleme veya güncelleme işlemi tüm bilgileri sileceğinden yedek aldığınızdan emin olunuz. 
  4. Tabiiki en önemlisi rom dosyasını indirmek. Buradan indir. 
  5. İndirdiğiniz zip dosyasını klasöre çıkartın. 
  6. Zip dosyası içinden çıkan "dload" klasörünü olduğu gibi sd karta kopyalayın. KArtı telefona takın.
  7. Ses açma+ses kısma+güç tuşuna aynı anda basın. Yazılım yükleme işlemi başlayacaktır. İşlem bitince telefon kendiliğinden açılacaktır. 
  8. Eğer telefon açılım durumda ise Ayarlar-->telefon hakkında-->yazılım güncelle kısmından yukarıdaki ilk 6 basamağı izleyerek yapabilirsiniz. 

HUAWEI G7-L01 V100R001C00B250CUSTC185D001
Software Upgrade Guideline

Prepared by G7-L01 Team Date 2014-04-29
Reviewed by G7-L01 Team Date 2014-04-29
Approved by
G7-L01 Team
Date 2014-04-29

Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
All rights reserved

1Version introduction

1.1The following versions can be upgraded.

Versions can be upgraded
G7-L01 V100R001C00B250CUSTC185D001

1.2Upgrade package

Upgrade package
Main package \dload\UPDATE.APP
Vendor package \hw,meafnaf\UPDATE.APP
Upgrade tools Micro SD card

2Upgrade environment requirements

2.1Check current upgrade environment

  1. To make sure that the Micro SD card is available and can be read and write.
Notes: A Micro SD card of 4GB or more should be available. It is recommended that The Micro SD card is made by Sandisk, Kingstone, or Kingmax.
  1. To make sure that the power of the battery is enough to run the upgrade process. It is recommended that the power of the battery is more than 30%.
  2. Upgrade operations will erase all user data. So if there are some important information, you should backup them before upgrade.
  3. If the path of main package is a .zip file in chapter 1.2, you should unzip the .zip file firstly, and get out UPDATE.APP to do upgrade operation.

3Upgrade introduction

There are two methods to upgrade: normal upgrade and force upgrade.
Normal upgrade needs to start the handset and enter the System Update module. Force upgrade is just used when the handset cant boot up or cant enter the idle screen.

4Upgrade operations

4.1Normal upgrade

  1. Format the Micro SD card (This operation is optional).
  2. Copy the Software: main package UPDATE.APP to a directory named dload.
  3. Copy the entire dload folder (with UPDATE.APP in it) to the root directory of the Micro SD card.
  4. Insert the Micro SD card into the handset and power on. After entering the home screen, To find System Update application, press Settings->Updater->Menu->Local update to start the upgrade. Please reference to the following pictures :

  1. When the progress bar stop, the phone will restart automatically.
  1. Please copy the Software: vendor package UPDATE.APP to a directory named dload. Then execute Step 2 – Step 5 repeatedly. This step is needed only when the version is upgraded by test member.

4.2Force upgrade

  1. Format the Micro SD card (This operation is optional).
  2. Copy the Software: main package to a directory named dload.
  3. Copy the entire dload folder (with UPDATE.APP in it) to the root directory of the Micro SD card.
  4. Make sure your handset is power off. Insert the Micro SD card into the handset. Press the VOLUME UP and VOLUME DOWN key, and then press the POWER key to power on the phone and enter the Software Upgrade Mode.
  5. When the progress bar stop, the phone will restart automatically.
  6. Please copy the Software: vendor package UPDATE.APP to a directory named dload. Then Execute Step 2 – Step 5 repeatedly. This step is needed only when the version is upgraded by test member.


If upgrading fail, the screen shows as below with the failure cause. For example, the fail in the figure shows that there is a software version control problems, you should firstly upgrade a transfer package provided by R&D.

5Upgrade validate

5.1Check the version

        1. By step: Settings->About phone->Build number, to check the version is correct or not.

G7-L01 V100R001C00B250CUSTC185D001

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